Simple example on Cameraman
We present here the standard version of our NLM-SAP algorithm. The kernel used to compare the shapes is trapezoidal. See also README.TXT in the associate zip file for more details.
First demo (DEMO_NLMSAP.m): We use 4 directionnal quarter pies and an isotropic one, all of them with 3 scales (15 shapes in total). We illustrate the benefits of combining the estimates based on different shapes rather than using only a single one.
Second demo (DEMO_NLMSAP_FAST.m): We use 3 isotropic Gaussian shapes. We illustrate the benefits of combining the estimates based on different sizes rather than using only a single one.
close all clear all addpath('tools'); addpath('functions');
STANDARD version of the NLM-SAP
Parameters initialization
sig = 20; % standard-deviation of the noise hW = 5; % half-size of the search window alpha = 0.7; % h^2=alpha^2*sigma^2/2 for 7x7 patches % h^2 is adapted for other shapes in % proportion of the 0.99-quantile. temperature = 0.4*sig.^2; % Temperature for EWA
Build the true and noisy images
img = double(imread('cameraman.png'));
[M,N] = size(img);
Initialize the random seed
randn('seed', 2);
img_nse = img + sig * randn(size(img));
Build the shapes
L = 2; % number of size levels R = 4; % radius of the first level (evolution as R*sqrt(2)^(n-1) A = 0; % number of angle partitions (precisely 2^A) shapes = cat(3, ... build_pie(M,N,L,R/2,A), ... build_pie(M,N,L,R/sqrt(2),A), ... build_pie(M,N,L,R,A));
Display the shapes
figure plot_shapes(shapes);
Compute the NL-Shapes estimations
[nlsum, sumphi, sumphi2, deriv] = ...
NLMSAP_trapezoid(img_nse, hW, shapes, alpha, sig);
nbshapes = size(nlsum, 3);
Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #1 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #2 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #3 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #4 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #5 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #6 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #7 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #8 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #9 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #10 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #11 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #12 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #13 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #14 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #15
Compute risks maps
riskmat = risk_sure(img_nse, nlsum, deriv, sig);
Filter risks maps
riskemp = (repmat(img_nse, [1 1 nbshapes]) - nlsum).^2; divmat = riskmat - riskemp; [divmat_diff riskmat_diff] = riskfilter_yaroslavsky(divmat, riskmat);
Aggregation step with EWA
[img_NLMSAP, beta_NLMSAP] = ...
aggregation_EWA(nlsum, divmat_diff, temperature);
Total time
Elapsed time is 30.423400 seconds.
Display result
figure('Position',[100 100 1400 400]) subplot(1,3,1) plotimage(img_nse); title('Noisy'); set(get(gca,'Title'),'FontSize',16); subplot(1,3,2); plotimage(nlsum(:,:,2)); title('Estimate with only one isotropic shape'); set(get(gca,'Title'),'FontSize',16); subplot(1,3,3); plotimage(img_NLMSAP); title('Combination obtained by NLM-SAP'); set(get(gca,'Title'),'FontSize',16); linkaxes
FAST version of the NLM-SAP:
Build 3 disk shapes
L = 1; % number of size levels R = 4; % radius of the first level (evolution as R*sqrt(2)^(n-1) A = 0; % number of angle partitions (precisely 2^A) shapes = cat(3, ... build_pie(M,N,L,R/2,A), ... build_pie(M,N,L,R/sqrt(2),A), ... build_pie(M,N,L,R,A));
Display the shapes
figure('Position',[400 400 1500 500])
Compute the 3 NL-Shapes estimations
[nlsum, sumphi, sumphi2, deriv] = ...
NLMSAP_trapezoid(img_nse, hW, shapes, alpha, sig);
nbshapes = size(nlsum, 3);
Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #1 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #2 Apply NLM-SAP (Trapezoidal kernel) -- shape #3
Compute risks maps
riskmat = risk_var(sumphi, sumphi2);
Aggregation step with WAV
[img_fast_NLMSAP, beta_fast_NLMSAP] = aggregation_WAV(nlsum, riskmat);
Total time
Elapsed time is 6.153982 seconds.
Display result
figure('Position',[100 100 1400 400]) subplot(1,3,1) plotimage(img_nse); title('Noisy'); set(get(gca,'Title'),'FontSize',16); subplot(1,3,2); plotimage(nlsum(:,:,2)); title('Estimate with only one isotropic shape'); set(get(gca,'Title'),'FontSize',16); subplot(1,3,3); plotimage(img_fast_NLMSAP); title('Combination obtained by NLM-SAP'); set(get(gca,'Title'),'FontSize',16); linkaxes
C.-A. Deledalle J. Salmon, V. Duval, SSVM 2011, PDF.
"Non-Local Methods with Shape-Adaptive Patches (NLM-SAP)"
C.-A. Deledalle J. Salmon, V. Duval, J. Math. Imaging Vis., vol.43, pp. 103-120, 2012, PDF.
Corresponding Matlab toolbox ZIP.
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