Citizen science for plant identification: insights from Pl@ntnet

Joseph Salmon

IMAG, Univ Montpellier, CNRS, Montpellier

Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)

Flower power in Montpellier

Mainly joint work with:

  • Tanguy Lefort (Univ. Montpellier, IMAG)
  • Benjamin Charlier (Univ. Montpellier, IMAG)
  • Camille Garcin (Univ. Montpellier, IMAG)
  • Maximilien Servajean (Univ. Paul-Valéry-Montpellier, LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier)
  • Alexis Joly (Inria, LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier)

and from

  • Pierre Bonnet, Hervé Goëau (CIRAD, AMAP)
  • Antoine Affouard, Jean-Christophe Lombardo, Titouan Lorieul, Mathias Chouet (Inria, LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier)

Pl@ntNet description

Pl@ntNet: ML for citizen science

A citizen science platform using machine learning to help people identify plants with their mobile phones

Pl@ntNet: usage and popularity

  • Start in 2011, now 25M+ users
  • 200+ countries
  • Up to 2M image uploaded/day
  • 50K species
  • 1B+ total images
  • 10M+ labeled / validated

Pl@ntNet & Cooperative Learning

Chronology of Pl@ntNet

Note: I am mostly innocent; started working with the Pl@ntNet team in 2020

Scientific challenges

Motivation: excellent app … but not a perfect app; How to improve?

  • Community effort: machine learning, ecology, engineering, amateurs
  • Many open problems (theoretical/practical)
  • Need for methodological/computational breakthrough


Personal contributions

  • Pl@ntNet-300K (Garcin et al. 2021): Creation and release of a large-scale dataset sharing the same property as Pl@ntNet; available for the community to improve learning systems
  • Top-K learning (Garcin et al. 2022): Driven by theory, introduce new loss to cope with Pl@ntNet constraints to output multiple labels (e.g., UX, Deep Learning framework, etc.)

Dataset release: Pl@ntNet-300K

A need for new benchmarks

Popular datasets limitations:

  • structure of labels too simplistic (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100)
    • might have tasks too easy to discriminate
    • might be too well-balanced (same number of images per class)
  • contains duplicate, low-quality, or irrelevant images


release a large-scale dataset sharing similar features as the Pl@ntNet dataset to foster research in plant identification

\(\implies\) Pl@ntNet-300K (Garcin et al. 2021)

Intra-class variability

Guizotia abyssinica

Diascia rigescens

Lapageria rosea

Casuarina cunninghamiana

Freesia alba

Guizotia abyssinica

Diascia rigescens

Lapageria rosea

Casuarina cunninghamiana

Freesia alba
Based on pictures only, plant species are challenging to discriminate!

Inter-class ambiguity

Cirsium rivulare

Chaerophyllum aromaticum

Conostomium kenyense

Adenostyles leucophylla

Sedum montanum

Cirsium tuberosum

Chaerophyllum temulum

Conostomium quadrangulare

Adenostyles alliariae

Sedum rupestre
Based on pictures only, plant species are challenging to discriminate!

Sampling bias

Geographic bias

Spatial density of images collected by Pl@ntNet (13/04/2024)

Food bias

Top-5 most observed plant species in Pl@ntNet (13/04/2024):

25134 obs. Echium vulgare L. Echium vulgare L.

24720 obs. Ranunculus ficaria L. Ranunculus ficaria L.

24103 obs. Prunus spinosa L. Prunus spinosa L.

23288 obs. Zea mays L. Zea mays L.

23075 obs. Alliaria petiolata Alliaria petiolata

Beauty bias

10753 obs.

Centaurea jacea

6 obs.

Cenchrus agrimonioides

Size bias

8376 obs.

Magnolia grandiflora

413 obs.

Moehringia trinervia

Many more biases …

  • Selection bias
    • Convenience sampling: easily vs. hardly accessible
    • Preference for certain species: visibility / ease of identification
    • Subjective bias: selection based on personal judgment, may not be random or representative
    • Rare species: rare or endangered species may be under-represented
  • Temporal bias / seasonal variation: seasonal changes in plant characteristics

Construction of Pl@ntNet-300K

Sample at genus level to preserve intra-genus ambiguity: use hierarchical structure

Species distribution & long tail

  • Earth: 300K+ species
  • Pl@ntNet: 50K+ species
  • Pl@ntNet-300K: 1K+ species

Note: long tail preserved by genera subsampling

80% of species | 11% of images \(\iff\) 20% of species | 89% of images

Details on Pl@ntNet-300K


  • 306,146 color images
  • Size : 32 GB
  • Labels: K=1,081 species
  • Required 2,079,003 volunteers “workers”

Votes, labels & aggregation

Pl@ntNet online “votes”


What about labels?

  • Images from users… so are the labels!

  • But users can be wrong or not experts

  • Several labels can be available per image!

Users can make corrections

But sometimes users can’t be trusted


Crowdsourcing for classification

The good, the bad and the ugly

  • The good: fast, easy, cheap data collection
  • The bad: noisy labels with different levels of expertise
  • The ugly: (partly) missing theory, ad-hoc methods for noisy labels

(Weighted) Majority Vote



Provide for all images \(x_i\) an aggregated label \(\hat{y}_i\) based on the votes \(y^{u}_i\) of the workers \(u \in \mathcal{U}\).

Majority Vote (MV): intuitively

Naive idea: make users vote and take the most voted label for each image

Majority Vote : formally

Naive idea: make users vote and take the most voted label for each image

\[ \forall x_i \in \mathcal{X}_{\text{train}},\quad \hat y_i^{\text{MV}} = \mathop{\mathrm{arg\,max}}_{k\in [K]} \Big(\sum\limits_{u\in\mathcal{U}(x_i)} {1\hspace{-3.8pt} 1}_{\{y^{u}_i=k\}} \Big) \]



adapted for any number of users

efficient, few labelers sufficient (say < 5, Snow et al. 2008)

ineffective for borderline cases

suffer from spammers / adversarial users

Weights, confidence and accuracy

Constraints: wide range of skills, different levels of expertise

Modeling aspect: add a user weight to balance votes

Assume given weights \((w_u)_{u\in\mathcal{U}}\) for now

Weighted Majority Vote (WMV): example


The label confidence \(\mathrm{conf}_{i}(k)\) of label \(k\) for image \(x_i\) is the sum of the weights of the workers who voted for \(k\): \[ \forall k \in [K], \quad \mathrm{conf}_{i}(k) = \sum\limits_{u\in\mathcal{U}(x_i)} w_u {1\hspace{-3.8pt} 1}_{\{y^{u}_i=k\}} \]

Size effect:

  • more votes \(\Rightarrow\) more confidence
  • more expertise \(\Rightarrow\) more confidence


The label accuracy \(\mathrm{acc}_{i}(k)\) of label \(k\) for image \(x_i\) is the normalized sum of weights of the workers who voted for \(k\): \[ \forall k \in [K], \quad \mathrm{acc}_{i}(k) = \frac{\mathrm{conf}_i(k)}{\sum\limits_{k'\in [K]} \mathrm{conf}_i(k')} \]


  • only the proportion of the weights matters

Weighted Majority Vote (WMV)

Majority voting but weighted by a confidence score per user \(u\): \[ \forall x_i \in \mathcal{X}_{\texttt{train}},\quad \hat{y}_i^{\textrm{WMV}} = \mathop{\mathrm{arg\,max}}_{k\in [K]} \Big(\sum\limits_{u\in\mathcal{U}(x_i)} w_u {1\hspace{-3.8pt} 1}_{\{y^{u}_i=k\}} \Big) \]

Note: the weighted majority vote can be computed from confidence or accuracy \[ \hat{y}_i^{\textrm{WMV}} = \mathop{\mathrm{arg\,max}}_{k\in [K]} \Big( \mathrm{conf}_i(k) \Big) = \mathop{\mathrm{arg\,max}}_{k\in [K]} \Big(\mathrm{acc}_i(k) \Big) \]

Label validation in Pl@ntNet

Two pillars for validating a label \(\hat{y}_i\) for an image \(x_i\) in Pl@ntNet :

  • Expertise: labels quality check

    keep images with label confidence above a threshold \(\theta_{\text{conf}}\), validate \(\hat{y}_i\) when \[ \boxed{\mathrm{conf}_{i}(\hat{y}_i) > \theta_{\text{conf}}} \]

  • Consensus: labels agreement check

    keep images with label accuracy above a threshold \(\theta_{\text{acc}}\), validate \(\hat{y}_i\) when \[ \boxed{\mathrm{acc}_{i}(\hat{y}_i) > \theta_{\text{acc}}} \]

Pl@ntNet label aggregation (EM algorithm)

Weighting scheme: weight user vote by its number of identified species

Weights example

  • \(n_{\mathrm{user}} = 6\)
  • \(K=3\) : Rosa indica, Ficus elastica, Mentha arvensis
  • \(\theta_{\text{conf}}=2\) and \(\theta_{\text{acc}}=0.7\)

Take into account 4 users out of 6

Take into account 4 users out of 6

Invalidated label: Adding User 5 reduces accuracy

Label switched: User 6 is an expert (even self-validating)

Choice of weight function

\[ f(n_u) = n_u^\alpha - n_u^\beta + \gamma \text{ with } \begin{cases} \alpha = 0.5 \\ \beta=0.2 \\ \gamma=\log(1.7)\simeq 0.74 \end{cases} \]

Other existing strategies

  • Majority Vote (MV)
  • Worker agreement with aggregate (WAWA): 2-step method

    • Majority vote
    • Weight users by how much they agree with the majority
    • Weighted majority vote
  • TwoThrid (iNaturalist)
    • Need 2 votes
    • \(2/3\) of agreements

Pl@ntNet labels release: South West. European flora

Extracting a subset of a Pl@ntNet votes

  • South Western European flora observations since \(2017\)
  • \(~800K\) users answered more than \(11K\) species
  • \(~6.6M\) observations
  • \(~9M\) votes casted
  • Imbalance: 80% of observations are represented by 10% of total votes

No ground truth available to evaluate the strategies

Test sets without ground truth

  • Extract \(98\) experts: Tela Botanica + prior knowledge (P. Bonnet)

Pl@ntNet South Western European flora

Accuracy and number of classes kept

  • Pl@ntNet aggregation performs better overall
  • TwoThird is highly impacted by the reject threshold
  • In ambiguous settings, strategies weighting users are better

Performance: Precision, recall and validity

  • Pl@ntNet aggregation performs better overall
  • TwoThird has good precision but bad recall
  • We indeed remove some data but less than TwoThird

Integrating the AI vote


  • More data
  • Could correct non-expert users
  • Could invalidate bad quality observation

Main danger

Potential strategies to integrate the AI vote

  • AI as worker: naive integration
  • AI fixed weight:
    • weight fixed to \(1.7\)
    • can invalidate two new users but is not self-validating
  • AI invalidating:
    • weight fixed to \(1.7\)
    • can only invalidate observation
  • AI confident:
    • weight fixed to \(1.7\)
    • can participate if confidence in prediction high enough (\(\theta_{\text{score}}\))

\(\Longrightarrow\) confident AI with \(\theta_{\text{score}}=0.7\) performs best… but invalidating AI could be preferred for safety \(\Longleftarrow\)

Aggregating labels: a new open source tool

peerannot: Python library to handle crowdsourced data



  • Challenges in citizen science: many and varied (need more attention)
  • Crowdsourcing / Label uncertainty: helpful for data curation
  • Improved data quality \(\implies\) improved learning performance

Dataset release:

Code release:

Future work

  • Uncertainty quantification
  • Improve robustness to adversarial users
  • Leverage gamification for more quality labels



Garcin, C., A. Joly, P. Bonnet, A. Affouard, Lombardo, M. Chouet, M. Servajean, and J. Salmon. 2021. Pl@ntNet-300K: A Plant Image Dataset with High Label Ambiguity and a Long-Tailed Distribution.” In NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmarks 2021.
Garcin, C., M. Servajean, A. Joly, and J. Salmon. 2022. “Stochastic Smoothing of the Top-k Calibrated Hinge Loss for Deep Imbalanced Classification.” In ICML, 162:7208–22.
Lefort, T., A. Affouard, B. Charlier, J.-C. Lombardo, M. Chouet, H. Goëau, J. Salmon, P. Bonnet, and A. Joly. 2024. “Cooperative Learning of Pl@ntNet’s Artificial Intelligence Algorithm: How Does It Work and How Can We Improve It?”
Lefort, T., B. Charlier, A. Joly, and J. Salmon. 2024. “Identify Ambiguous Tasks Combining Crowdsourced Labels by Weighting Areas Under the Margin.” TMLR.
Shumailov, Ilia, Zakhar Shumaylov, Yiren Zhao, Nicolas Papernot, Ross Anderson, and Yarin Gal. 2024. “AI Models Collapse When Trained on Recursively Generated Data.” Nature 631 (8022): 755–59.
Snow, Rion, Brendan O’Connor, Daniel Jurafsky, and Andrew Ng. 2008. “Cheap and Fast - but Is It Good? Evaluating Non-Expert Annotations for Natural Language Tasks.” In Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 254–63. Honolulu, Hawaii.


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