This part contains Master 2 exercises on statistical learning.
Slides and courses
Documents for this course might be found on Stéphan Clémençon’s webpage.
This part contains Master 2 exercises on statistical learning.
Documents for this course might be found on Stéphan Clémençon’s webpage.
title: M2MO - Statistical Learning (2013-2018)
description: "Mostly theory on ML."
categories: [VC dimension, Concentration]
image: "images/CV_10_two.svg"
reference-location: document
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draft: false
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This part contains Master 2 exercises on statistical learning.
## Slides and courses
Documents for this course might be found on
[Stéphan Clémençon's webpage](
## Tutorial classes:
1. [learning_td1.pdf](enseignement/M2/Learning/learning_td1.pdf)
1. [learning_td2.pdf](enseignement/M2/Learning/learning_td2.pdf)
1. [learning_td3.pdf](enseignement/M2/Learning/learning_td3.pdf)
## Ressources en ligne:
[Maxim Raginsky's course](
[Arnak Dalalyan's course](
[Shai Shalev-Shwartz's book](