Tips for young researchers on work organization
Personal visualization and math art
- Tweets: math art etc.: this includes LaTeX templates/tips, Inkscape first steps, bibliographic help, etc.
- Studio Ibbini: traversing analog and digital to create works of extreme intricacy and precision, pushing the boundaries of materials in unusual ways. They reference historical pattern and ornament with a contemporary interpretation.
Conferences / Workshop organized
Optimization for Machine Learning, March 2020
Graph signals : learning and optimization perspectives, May 2019
Workshop on Decentralized Machine Learning, Optimization and Privacy, September 2017
Moosetex: Bored with the log system of Latex? Feed up with converting eps to pdf (and backward)? Need to clean project before commit in a control version system (like SVN or GIT). Then, I highly recommend using Moosetex. Any Linux/Mac user might benefit from it.
Bibtex: Tame the BeaST by Nicolas Markey
I used to enjoy Sublime and Latexing though I have now switched to Visual Studio Code for Python and TeX.
Various languages (dictionnaries, conjugation, etc.): Linguee, Lexilogos, and urbandictionary
A French/English translator: Le grand dictionnaire terminologique
Time zones
Videos, courses, and lectures about mathematics
Mathematical Lectures at ENS (Paris): Diffusions des savoirs
A Convex Optimization course by Stephen P. Boyd
Feeling the fourth dimension with a movie:
Art and mathematics
Geometric Sculptures by Bathsheba Grossman
Geometric Sculptures by George Hart and explanation on Rapid Prototyping
Mathematics through history: Electronic Journal for History of Probability and Statistics
Graphs for drawing: graphpaper
Visualisation and Statistics: Gapminder and Worldmapper
Sita Sings the Blues (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License) public domain movies
openculture : discover Tarkovski’s movies or good ol’ Hitchcock’s
- Pl@ntnet: Pl@ntnet is a citizen science project available as an app that helps you identify plants thanks to your pictures. .
- open-sciences-participatives: “OPEN”, le portail qui permet à tous de participer à l’observation de la biodiversité