Citizen science for plant identification: insights from Pl@ntnet
Supervised learning by crowdsourcing (I)
Supervised learning by crowdsourcing (II)
Improve learning combining crowdsourced labels by weighting Areas Under the Margin
Stochastic smoothing of the top-K calibrated hinge loss for deep imbalanced classification
Hyperparameter selection for high dimensional sparse learning
Screening Rules for Lasso with Non-Convex Sparse Regularizers
The smoothed multivariate square-root Lasso: an optimization lens on concomitant estimation
Fast solver for Sparse Generalized Linear Models
Coordinate descent (and beyond) for sparse learning optimization
Safe screening rules to speed-up sparse regression solvers
Optimization: (Block) coordinate descent for neuro-imaging
Safe Grid Search with Optimal Complexity
Celer: a Fast Solver for the Lasso with Dual Extrapolation
Convex optimization, sparsity and regression in high dimension
Adaptive Validation, a possible alternative to Cross-Validation
Poisson noise reduction with non-local PCA
Learning Heteroscedastic Models by Convex Programming under Group Sparsity
Optimal Aggregation for Affine Estimators
NL-Means, reprojections et patchs adaptatifs