Simple example on Ridge
We present here the NLSPCA algorithm to denoise Poisson corrupted images.
Article: "Poisson noise reduction with non-local PCA"Authors: J. Salmon,
Z. Harmany,
C.-A. Deledalle,
R. Willett.
Corresponding Matlab toolbox :
-2D images NLSPCA_code.ZIP
-hyperspectral images NLPCA_hyperspectral_code.ZIP (fast v2:
thanks to Anthony Wang and Albert Oh).
Copyright (C) 2012 NL-PCA project. See The GNU Public License (GPL)
clear all close all addpath('functions') addpath('tools')
Loading 'Ridge' image
Noisy image generation
peak=0.1; sd=2; rng(sd) Q = max(max(ima_ori)) /peak; ima_lambda = ima_ori / Q; ima_lambda(ima_lambda == 0) = min(min(ima_lambda(ima_lambda > 0))); ima_nse_poiss = knuth_poissrnd(ima_lambda); [m,n]=size(ima_nse_poiss);
param.Patch_width=20; param.nb_axis=4; param.nb_clusters=14; param.bandwith_smooth=2; param.sub_factor=2; param.big_cluster1=1;% special case for the biggest cluster 1st pass param.big_cluster2=1;% special case for the biggest cluster 2nd pass param.double_iteration=0;%1 or 2 pass of the whole algorithm param.eps_stop=5e-3; %loop stoping criterion param.epsilon_cond=1e-4; param.nb_iterations=15;%number of iteration (Gordon) param.cste=70; param.func_tau=@(X) lasso_tau(X{1},X{2},param.cste); param.bin=1; % subsampling factor, 0 is without it
Denoising with NLSPCA
tic ima_fil=NLSPCA(ima_nse_poiss,ima_nse_poiss,param); toc
Elapsed time is 75.562460 seconds.
Result display
figure('Position',[100 100 1200 600]) ax(1) = subplot(1, 3, 1); plotimage(Q * ima_nse_poiss); title(sprintf('Noisy PSNR = %f',psnr(Q*ima_nse_poiss, Q*ima_lambda, 255))); ax(2) = subplot(1, 3, 2); plotimage(Q * ima_lambda); title('Original'); ax(3) = subplot(1, 3, 3); plotimage(Q * ima_fil); title(sprintf('NLSPCA, PSNR = %f',psnr(Q*ima_fil, Q*ima_lambda, 255))); linkaxes(ax);
J. Salmon, Z. Harmany, C.-A. Deledalle, R. Willett, submitted, PDF.
Corresponding Matlab toolbox ZIP.
Corresponding Matlab toolbox:
-2D images NLSPCA_code.ZIP
-hyperspectral images NLPCA_hyperspectral_code.ZIP (fast v2:
thanks to Anthony Wang and Albert Oh).
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